
Rejuvenating BOTOX Therapy and Dermal Fillers in Tea, SD

Discover youthful confidence with our BOTOX therapy and dermal fillers!

Are Wrinkles Affecting Your Smile and Confidence?

Remove those wrinkles and reclaim your youth and confidence.

Dr. Kyla Boyd posing for a photo while holding a BOTOX vial

Are wrinkles making you self-conscious?

Let our experts at Neighborhood Dental, Tea, SD, help you reclaim your confidence with personalized BOTOX therapy or dermal fillers.

Dr. Boyd is an experienced practitioner with both techniques and offers comprehensive treatments to address various concerns, including:

  • Eyebrows

  • Forehead

  • Neck

  • TMJ disorder

  • Gummy smile

  • Facial asymmetry

  • Cheeks

  • Lips

Ready to rejuvenate your smile? Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Boyd!

Understanding BOTOX vs. Dermal Fillers

Choosing the right treatment for your unique needs!

Dr. Kyla Boyd performing a BOTOX treatment

BOTOX and dermal fillers are both popular cosmetic treatments, but they serve different purposes and target different signs of aging.

BOTOX is primarily used to relax muscles and reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles such as frown lines and crow’s feet.

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are used to add volume to areas that have lost collagen and elasticity, such as the cheeks and lips.

Dermal fillers can plump up wrinkles and folds, smooth out lines, and restore youthful contours to the face.

While BOTOX and Dermal fillers address different concerns, they can be used together to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

By combining both treatments, patients can achieve a more harmonious and natural-looking result, effectively addressing multiple signs of aging simultaneously.

Dr. Kyla Boyd performing a BOTOX treatment

Embrace The Benefits of BOTOX

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Youthful Appearance

BOTOX injections smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, while dermal fillers can plump and fill wrinkles revealing a rejuvenated and youthful complexion.

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Pain Relief

Experience relief from TMJ disorder symptoms, including jaw pain and headaches, with targeted BOTOX treatments.

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Boosted Confidence

Say goodbye to self-consciousness with BOTOX’s and dermal filler’s ability to create and improve facial symmetry, restoring your confidence to smile freely.

Understanding BOTOX Therapy

Why people choose Neighborhood Dental for BOTOX therapy.
Dr. Kyla Boyd making a BOTOX injection

BOTOX therapy and dermal fillers involve the use of injections to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Dr. Boyd uses advanced techniques at Neighborhood Dental in Tea, SD, to deliver natural-looking results.

Our practice offers personalized solutions to address many common concerns.

Neighborhood Dental is the premier destination for BOTOX therapy and dermal fillers in Tea, SD, with individualized attention.

Our practice tailors our services to your unique needs.

You can achieve a refreshed and youthful appearance with Dr. Boyd’s expertise, enhancing your overall smile.

Your Journey to Radiant Rejuvenation

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Begin with a thorough consultation with Dr. Boyd, where you’ll discuss your concerns and goals.

Dr. Boyd will craft a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and desired outcomes.

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Experience the artistry of BOTOX or dermal filler injections with Dr.Boyd, using precise techniques to target specific areas of concern.

Your comfort and safety are our top priorities throughout the procedure.

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After your treatment, we’ll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure optimal results.

With our comprehensive aftercare plan, your journey to renewed confidence and radiance is a sure thing.

BOTOX and Dermal Fillers Made Easy

Say goodbye to self-consciousness with BOTOX and dermal fillers!
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